David Lane is a published author, freelance writer, editor, and casual competition shooter.
From D&D campaigns to educational long-form articles about history, firearm safety, survival, or the latest and greatest widget he was asked to review — no topic is too small or too big.

While no one likes to write ad copy or promotional material, it is a necessary evil that today’s internet writers can’t avoid.
Sites David has been published on include RECOIL, Pew Pew Tactical, Rock Island Auction, The Shooter’s Log, Sniper Country, GunUniversity, and Bear Creek Arsenal.
He has also edited and written keystone content for RECOIL Web, Pew Pew Tactical, Bear Creek Arsenal, and Sniper Country.
Currently working as the Web Editor for RECOILWeb.com, the digital side of RECOIL Magazine.
Before this, David was the Managing Editor for Pew Pew Tactical. During college, David worked for Icy-Veins.com as a community manager and content writer.
Educationally David received a B.S. from Liberty University in Business Management Information Systems: Intelligence (BMIS:I).
Outside of work, David is an avid 2-Gun, PRS, Brutality, and NRL22 shooter and regularly travels out of state for competitions while attending as many of the local matches as possible.